Here's What We Will Cover Inside
The Program -
Step by Step

The Program is Broken Down Into 11 Easy to Follow Phases That cover The Following:

Phase 1: Building an Online Presence

We lay the foundations for our online business and start to build a following.

Your First Domain Name. I will show you the most important domain name that you need to invest in and how to acquire it.
Creating Your Main Central Hub Website. I will show you how to install and build a powerful central hub website that will generate leads and commissions.
Generating Content to Build a Following! I will show you how to effortlessly create content that people will love to consume so you can build an audience.
Creating Your First List Building Campaign. You will create your very first list building campaign to start generating leads.
Generating Revenue From Your Website. I will show you how to generate revenue from your website so you can start generating revenue.
Creating Your First Lead Magnet. You will create your very first lead magnet in this module so you can make an offer to potential clients.
Building Your First Squeeze Page. To complete phase 1 we build our very first squeeze page.

Phase 2: Niche Selection And Research

I will show you how to choose a popular niche that will ensure you make sales.

Niche Selection Exercises. We will take part in an exercise that can reveal popular niches from the content you have already created.
Using Marketplaces. I will show you how to use the most popular marketplaces to choose popular niches.
101 Niche topic list: I will share with you 101 of the most popular niches online.
Choosing Your Niche. Here you will choose the niche for your very first product launch.
Essential Research Techniques. I will show you how to research your chosen niche to generate content ideas.

Phase 3: Product Creation

Here we begin the product creation process.

Essential MindMapping Techniques. We will begin mapping out our product and creating our modules.
Naming Your Product. We will name our product and invest in a domain name.
Product Creation Software! I will show you the product creation software I use to make creating your content a breeze.
Using PLR Material. I will show you how to effectively use PLR material to speed up the product creation process.
Adding Video. You will learn how to create your own video material.
Adding Audio. I will show you the best type of audio content to add which will add value to your product.
Creating PDFs. I will show you how to create beautiful PDF material to add even more value to your product.

Phase 4: Your Members Area

We will build out our members area.

Your Thank You Page. I will show you how to create a thank you page that can generate even more revenue.
Adding Your Product Content. How to effectively add your product content so your customers have a great experience.
Protecting Your Content: You will discover how to protect your content so only paying customers can see it.
Monetizing Your Content. You will discover how to generate even more revenue from your existing content.
The Backend High Ticket Offer. Here you will add a high ticket backend offer that can generate extra $1000 commissions for no extra work.

Phase 5: Sales Page Creation

Learn How to Write Winning Copy That Sells.

The 7 Steps to Selling. Learn the 7 steps to selling anything online.
12 Steps to a Perfect Sales Page. Learn the 12 steps that every winning sales page has.
Your Headline and Story. Discover how to create a headline that grabs attention and a story that keeps people hooked.
The Solution and Proof. Here you will provide the solution and proof that your product will deliver.
Introducing Your Product and Benefits. You will introduce your product and provide the benefits it will provide.
The Call to Action. You will provide the ultimate call to action so people are ready to invest.
Adding Bonuses and Testimonials. Here we will add relevant bonuses and testimonials to get people off the fence.

Phase 6: Your JV Page

Building an Effective Affiliate Friendly JV Page.

What Commissions to Offer. Here you will learn the right amount of commissions to offer that means you attract the big guns.
Your JV Video. Learn how to create a JV video that attracts affiliates.
Your JV Copy. How to effectively create enticing JV copy.
Adding JV Material: Adding the right type of JV materials to make it easy for potential affiliates to promote.
Your JV Competition. You will learn how to create a low cost JV competition to keep JVs mailing again and again.

Phase 7: Putting it All Together

The Final Steps For Your Product Launch .

Preparing Your Product For Sale. Here you will add your product to your chosen network, JVZoo, Warrior Plus, ClickBank, etc.
Integrating Your Members Area. You will integrate your members area with your chosen network so members are automatically added to your members area.
Integrating Your Sales Funnel. Here you will connect your sales funnel with your chosen network.
Connect With Autoresponder. We will connect with our autoresponder so customers are added to our mailing list.

Phase 8: The Finishing Touches

The Final Steps Prior to Launch .

Review Everything. Here you will submit your completed product for review.
Test Everything. Test everything is working correctly.
Final Approval. Get approval from John.
Set Your Launch Date: Now you are ready to set your launch date and you will prepare for launch.

Congratulations - You Are Ready To Launch

Now We Push on For 6 Figures

Phase 9: Launching Your Product

Getting Maximum Affiliate Exposure.

Listing Your Product Launch. You will now list your product launch on the most popular JV networks.
Your Product Launch Checklist. I will give you access to my product launch checklist that I have created from over 100 successful launches.
Affiliate Recruitment 101. You will learn my affiliate recruitment secrets and discover how to get affiliates on board for your launch.
Going Live. The moment we have been waiting for. Your product is now live and sales are flooding in.

Phase 10: Post Launch Profits

Keeping The Sales Coming in After Launch.

The Evergreen Model. Your launch is over but we don't stop there. I will show you how to keep recruiting affiliates on a long term basis
Email Marketing Tactics. Now you have a buyer list I will show you how to generate huge commissions using email.
Super Affiliate Tactics. Once you go through this training you will be in a position to top the launch leaderboards.
Super Affiliate Case Studies: I will show you case studies of my most popular affiliate campaigns that have generated hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Phase 11: 6 Figures and Beyond

Get Ready to Generate 6 Figures.

Your Next Launch and Beyond. Now you have learned the process you will be in a position to create your next product in days rather than weeks.
Generating Big Ticket Commissions. You are now a super affiliate and are in a position to generate big ticket commissions of $1000 or more.
What Lies Ahead. You are now in a position to generate at least 6 figures per year.
Keep Working With John. We don't stop here, in fact we are just getting started, you will personally work with John to generate even more sales and commissions.

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