Phase 1: Building an Online Presence
We lay the foundations for our online business and start to build a following.
Phase 2: Niche Selection And Research
I will show you how to choose a popular niche that will ensure you make sales.
Phase 3: Product Creation
Here we begin the product creation process.
Phase 4: Your Members Area
We will build out our members area.
Phase 5: Sales Page Creation
Learn How to Write Winning Copy That Sells.
Phase 6: Your JV Page
Building an Effective Affiliate Friendly JV Page.
Phase 7: Putting it All Together
The Final Steps For Your Product Launch .
Phase 8: The Finishing Touches
The Final Steps Prior to Launch .
Phase 9: Launching Your Product
Getting Maximum Affiliate Exposure.
Phase 10: Post Launch Profits
Keeping The Sales Coming in After Launch.
Phase 11: 6 Figures and Beyond
Get Ready to Generate 6 Figures.
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